Unable to use useWindowDimensions in web snack

using the function useWindowDimensions in snacks web view returns an error:

“(0, _reactNative.useWindowDimensions) is not a function. (In ‘(0, _reactNative.useWindowDimensions)()’, ‘(0, _reactNative.useWindowDimensions)’ is undefined)”

my example here: useWindowDimensions example - Snack

documentation for useWindowDimensions here: useWindowDimensions - Expo Documentation

Hi there! The useWindowDimensions hook doesn’t work on web yet. Unfortunately this is not well documented. Here are a few alternatives:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Dimensions, ScaledSize } from 'react-native';

type EventValue = {
  window: ScaledSize;
  screen: ScaledSize;

 * Listens to dimension changes of "dim".
 * When a dimension changes, schedule this instantly. The other option is to
 * schedules the update inside an animation frame (useDimensions) or to wait 
 * for an idle frame / until animations are done (useDimensionsIdle).
 * @param dim screen or window, defaults to window
 * @returns the ScaledSize of the dim
export function useDimensionsSync(
  dim: 'screen' | 'window' = 'window'
): ScaledSize {
  const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState(() => Dimensions.get(dim));

  // Start listening to changes
  useEffect(() => {
    let stillCareAboutTheCallback = true;

    const updateDimensions = (nextDimensions: EventValue) => {
      stillCareAboutTheCallback && setDimensions(nextDimensions[dim]);

    Dimensions.addEventListener('change', updateDimensions);

    return () => {
      stillCareAboutTheCallback = false;
      Dimensions.removeEventListener('change', updateDimensions);
  }, [dim, setDimensions]);

  return dimensions;

export function useWindowDimensions() {
  return useDimensionsSync('window')

Or if you need the JavaScript variant:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';

 * Listens to dimension changes of "dim".
 * When a dimension changes, schedule this instantly. The other option is to
 * schedules the update inside an animation frame (useDimensions) or to wait 
 * for an idle frame / until animations are done (useDimensionsIdle).
 * @param dim screen or window, defaults to window
 * @returns the ScaledSize of the dim
export function useDimensionsSync(dim = 'window') {
  const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState(() => Dimensions.get(dim));

  // Start listening to changes
  useEffect(() => {
    let stillCareAboutTheCallback = true;

    const updateDimensions = (nextDimensions: EventValue) => {
      stillCareAboutTheCallback && setDimensions(nextDimensions[dim]);

    Dimensions.addEventListener('change', updateDimensions);

    return () => {
      stillCareAboutTheCallback = false;
      Dimensions.removeEventListener('change', updateDimensions);
  }, [dim, setDimensions]);

  return dimensions;

export function useWindowDimensions() {
  return useDimensionsSync('window')
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