Unable to Validate Apple Credentials

Here I tried my latest one. I share it one more time fyi.

Unable to validate credentials. Request ID 60841ed0-8c16-11e7-9479-f1b9c0db7473, message: Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support.

I looked at the logs for you internally, it turns out that Apple had an outage, I wish I had a better solution for you but I think youā€™ll just have to try again:

Iā€™m looking at this: System Status - Apple Developer

Works for me now! Thanks for quick resolution :slight_smile:

For me still does not work: Request ID 8055d1c0-8c36-11e7-9c80-d5d75caf7cc4

I tried all day :disappointed:

@synapse Are you having us handle your distribution certificate or providing your own?

@thetc Iā€™ve tried both ways. And still nothing. Iā€™ve downloaded the certificates using fetch:ios:certs from when it worked the last time and used those as well, but still nothing.

@synapse I looked at your build ID, and the error you got is indicative that your certificate is not a valid one on your developer account (ie) it has been revoked. Try creating your certificates anew and trying again. This is a different cause from your previous build failures, which were due to an Apple outage several hours ago.

edit: you can check the active certificates you have at Sign In - Apple

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Thanks I will try that. Also I get error when I upload android apk to android play store. So I created my new keysotore and trying to build again. How can I change my keystore and build in expo?

My build is failing
Build ID: 1271c6cd-c7fb-48a7-92a6-4640d1e24de1

Iā€™ve done it myself. Issues are solved. However when I try the buildingā€¦ Sometimes it works nicely and sometimes it doesnā€™t throwing error. When it happens I feel some kind of laggy feeling during the build. What I feel building with expo is little bit unstabled. Hope the build system will be more stabled in expo beause usually this process takes lots of time when not working properly.

Sorry for late answer, I tried several times (like 15-20 times) then it works. I havenā€™t built updated version since then.

@phuna sorry to hear that, sometimes build errors are our fault, sometimes the build errors are faults on the end of the apple developer portal. We will try really hard to get this right so the experience is easier.

Unable to validate credentials. Request ID b9125370-9849-11e7-a418-bde13abf1661, message: Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support

hi @abhit2, I did a search in the build logs using the id your provided, but nothing is showing up. Could you ensure that it is the buildId given to you when you do exp build

Unable to validate credentials. Request ID f91163c0-9a7f-11e7-8d22-d933b0d7655c, message: Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support. I tried multiple times, please help. Android build was really smooth but I canā€™t build for iOS.

Hi there Iā€™m keep getting the same error over and over even though Iā€™m certain my certificate is ok. Can you please tell me whatā€™s wrong with this request id:

Request ID 4bc64f10-9c4a-11e7-84ba-dd34c26c814f

Thanks in advance

Basically building for ios with an existing certificate is not working. Do I need to eject/detach and build? Can I build locally? Is there a step by step guide or a video explaining building locally with/without detach?

Unfortunately Iā€™m having the same issue as well, build id is b474cd30-a644-11e7-b185-0fb0179f0d4e

Was able to build successfully the last few days, but running into the same issue as reported by others (Internal error occurred, and used -c to refresh credentials).

Thank all

[exp] Error validating credentials. You may need to clear them (with -c) and try again.
[exp] Unable to validate credentials. Request ID b6563050-a755-11e7-9fe9-7d84d02dfa16, message: Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support.

I got this error too!! Please Help!! Thank You!!

Hi! Weā€™re seeing this error:

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