Unlisted Project OTA ? Edit: Dont let people open my app

Hey guys,
I have a question regarding OTA (Over-the-Air) Updates in Expo.

Lets say I expo-publish a new change to my App. I have my App sideloaded on an Android Phone.

But then I unlist my Project so other users can not view it when they search my name in Expo which is important to me!

After that I Open the App on the Android Phone. Would the phone fetch or get the OTA Update even though the App is not listed? Because it is already installed but when Openning it after publish it is already private?

Something else I want to know - I can test the previous question TBH.
How can I achieve it that my project doesnt get Listed after every publish? Or can I somehow say that nobody except me can for example open the app with the QR Code? Because I dont like the idea that everybody who has the QR Code can open my app…

Thanks ~Faded

To answer my first Question regarding the OTA when the project is unlisted - this seems to work which is great!

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