Using older version module inside Expo

I would like to use latest Expo, but its react-native-svg v6.2.2 has a bug.
Is there any way I can use latest Expo(v29.0.0) with old react-native-svg whose version v5.5.1?

I am now using Expo v25.0.0 which contains react-native-svg v5.5.1.
Since v26.0.0, Expo includes react-native-svg v6.2.2, which causes bugs when using Korean character.

I tried to change "react-native-svg": "6.2.2" to "react-native-svg": "5.5.1" in node_modules/expo/package.json , and then ran rm package-lock.json && npm i to install new version of react-native-svg. But my app dies as soon as it starts. Same for both iOS and Android.

In case Android, I can see many errors at Expo client as below.

Uncaught Error: Error while updating property 'positionX' in shadow node of type: RNSVGText. Fatal Error.
Uncaught Error: Error while updating property 'strokeWidth' in shadow node of type: RNSVGLine. Fatal Error.

You could detach and update the native version. You will still be able to test your app with all the same Expo features. The only difference is that in order to run certain parts, you will need the native code present.

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