Video Editing Through expo-av API?

SDK Version: 39.0.2
Platforms: all

Hello all, I need to implement a video scrubber in my app. Does this seem reasonable to attempt with the expo-av API? AV - Expo Documentation

Here’s a snack where I’ve been messing around with it so far: Video Editing - Snack
It looks like it’d be promising to work for web, but android and ios become very slow due to the async nature of setPositionAsync() so i guess my question would be if it’s possible to speed this up at all? I’ve tried this with a compressed video to see if that would eliminate the lag but it’s still slow.

I’m really trying to avoid using the package react-native-video-processing since I’ve had some issues trying to set it up and it requires ejecting the app.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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