Video error, code requested to post on forum

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  1. SDK Version: 33
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Hi guys, I am getting the following error when playing a video on Android. The error is thrown exactly at 1min

Encountered a fatal error during playback: Player error: Read error: ssl=0xd3f23b00: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer

I have noticed that you guys asked us for sending you the error in the code you provided.

_onPlaybackStatusUpdate = playbackStatus => {
        if (!playbackStatus.isLoaded) {
            // Update your UI for the unloaded state
            if (playbackStatus.error) {
                console.log(`Encountered a fatal error during playback: ${playbackStatus.error}`);
                // Send Expo team the error on Slack or the forums so we can help you debug!
        } else {
            // Update your UI for the loaded state

            if (playbackStatus.isPlaying) {
                // Update your UI for the playing state
                this.setState({ buffering: false })
            } else {
                // Update your UI for the paused state

            if (playbackStatus.isBuffering) {
                // Update your UI for the buffering state
                this.setState({ buffering: true })

            if (playbackStatus.didJustFinish && !playbackStatus.isLooping) {
                // The player has just finished playing and will stop. Maybe you want to play something else?

Any clue?

Thanks for reporting this @fweffort. I relayed it to those that most recently worked on the AV module. We’ll follow up here when we know more.


Hello @fweffort! Thanks for reporting the issue. Could you provide some more details? Ideally, can you create minimum viable demo on Snack that reproduces the issue?

If no, answering those questions might be helpful:
Does the same error happen on iOS?
What is the source of media you’re playing? Could you provide the link to it?
Do you have JS stacktrace for that error?

I wasn’t able to reproduce the error in any other device so far, so let me try to get you to guide me so I can guide you.

Does the same error happen on iOS?
Nope, android only.

What is the source of media you’re playing? Could you provide the link to it?
Yup, but it’s a video that is private to our client, so it would be better to send you directly. It’s a 2’06" vimeo external link, though.

Do you have JS stacktrace for that error?
Can you guide me on how to get this?


If you don’t mind, please send the link to my mail:

Can you provide some more details about device it happens on? Android version, manufacturer?

JS stack trace is not vital for now, I think I can guess it from code, but if you want to get it, this article might be helpful: A Javascript stacktrace in any browser.

This is probably not relevant, but do you observe this error in Expo Client, Standalone application, ejected project or your just using expo-av as unimodule?

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