Warning: 'ProgressBarAndroid' is deprecated. use 'ActivityIndicator'

I’m getting this warning when I use RN ActivityIndicator or RefreshControl (which I believe uses the ActivityIndicator). I’m not explicitly calling ‘ProgressBarAndroid’ anywhere…I think react must be using it for the android environment…but I can’t figure out how to set it as something different.
I’ve got the most recent version of Expo XDE
I’m running expo 22.0.0.

I wonder if it has to do with the version of react that expo is running?
I’m a relatively new developer in general and just started learning react 2 months ago.
any help is appreciated.

app runs fine on IOS btw

Hey! Thanks for trying Expo. It could help to try to reproduce this issue in an example on https://snack.expo.io – post here with a link to a saved Snack if you can make one. Else let us know if you aren’t able to reproduce the issue on Snack. :slight_smile:

thanks nikki! I actually just updated expo to 23.0.0 and that solved my issue. After digging around a bit I found the file in node_modules where the warning was coming from…matched that to the facebook version of react-native and saw that they had updated their code and removed the deprecation warning…expo had just not caught up yet in version 22.0.0. I’m surprised not to see more people experiencing that issue though? anyway… if anyone else runs into it, as far as I can understand, that’s where the problem lay.