webBrowser.openBrowserAsync is not a function ( SDK v21.x.x )

After seeing the SDK update ( I was using v19.x.x ) and being away from my project for a few months I noticed v21 is out. I’ve updated my project without any issue.

I needed to link to an external website and remembered seeing that in the sample code provided by expo when using the navigation example. I started a new project peaked at the code saw @expo/samples and followed grabbed the file in node_module/@expo/samples to learn how to make a link.

import WebBrowser from 'expo' and call WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync( URL )

however, this returned ‘is not a function’ so i console logged the object and noticed the method in another spot WebBrowser.WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync which is seems a bit strange. After doing this the function works as expected. ( both on iOS simulated, and Android 8.x Pixel XL ).

I do get two warnings however

“Warning: PropTypes have been moved to a separate package.” and “Use AuthSession.getRedirectUrl rather than AuthSession.getRedirectUri (Url instead of Uri )”