When to rebuild or reupload to stores?

Hi there, I did have some issues with Expo Upgrade yesterday but in the end, everything is working. But I am having some issues with the build/update process, I ran the ios and android builds this morning, run a publish, it worked. So the SDK upgrade was not an issue to send the OTA update to the released version of the app from the stores.

But, this morning I changed something in the ios config in app.json, added a “buildNumber” to it, did a few other changes in the app, ran both builds, and publish. Yet none of the released apps got the update hours later. In what cases I will need to re-upload the bundles manually to the stores?

you need to rebuild and resubmit to the store if you update the sdk version because the native code has changed. https://docs.expo.io/workflow/publishing/#limitations

Thats what I got from the docs, but why did it work with the publish I did this morning?

When you say rebuild and resubmit you mean expo build:iosexpo upload:ios for exemple, not build → publish, correct?

When you say rebuild and resubmit you mean expo build:iosexpo upload:ios for exemple, not build → publish, correct?


Thats what I got from the docs, but why did it work with the publish I did this morning?

If you updated your app from SDK 37 to 38 and then ran expo publish then it would not have updated your app on the store, so perhaps you were confusing having opened the app from the store for opening it in Expo client

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