White screen problem -splash screen


My exp.json codes are below, ı have white screen problem when the app loading . is there any wrong things in my codes??

“loading”: {
“hideExponentText”: true,
“backgroundColor”: “#00aced”,
“icon”: “./assets/icons/loading.png”,




It looks like for valid JSON backgroundColor needs to remove the trailing comma.

I have removed the comma, but there is still white screen before backgroundcolor…

@suatozkan are you describing a flash of white before the background color appears? If so, this is something we are working on improving.

Thanks a lot, yeah that s also what I mean.

A white screen means a fatal error and the entire app has crashed. Sometimes it can be the smallest littlest hardest bug to find, such as const userID = user.uid and user is undefined so the app crashes and can go white. I recommend integrating bugsnag as they have a free tier and will help you figure out where the errors are occurring.