why expo-cli initialize project with sdk 24 instead of latest version?

right now version 31 is out, but expo-cli uses sdk 24 which is of course deprecated.
my question is
why expo-cli initialize project with sdk 24 instead of latest version?

btw, the initalized project complains about using any sdk higher than that version. and when I tried to use an exported project from snack, it crashed.

Hey @thg303,

This is odd. What version of the expo-cli are you running? I just ran expo init on the latest version (2.4.0) and it created a projected using SDK31.



it’s expo-cli version 2.4.0 but the sdk version is 24.0.0 could it be because of cache or something?

btw, I’ve removed the package and reinstall it. still the same.
I have node v10.10.0 and npm 6.4.1
npm uninstall -g expo-cli
npm install -g expo-cli
I even tried removing ~/.expo directory contents too. still makes the app with sdk 24 :frowning:

After two days investigating I found that there is a cache directory at ~/.cache/expo which contains a list of available SDK(s). Apparently this directory does not update after installing new version of expo-cli.
could be a github issue to fix.
but removing that directory along with ~/.expo solved the issue. now expo-cli downloads the latest sdk for initializing a new project.

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Thanks for the update, @thg303. Sorry you had to deal with that confusion.

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