Define exactly what does and does not work with ExpoKit

I am mostly using Android, but still all the details you shared are appreciated, but also more or less well documented.
I understand all the extra complication introduced with ExpoKit, because of handling Android and iOS projects locally instead of building them on Expo’s servers, and I’d like to take another chance to pay my utmost respect to you guys and the work you do.

Now I can tell that my post was mostly useless without the extra information.

Basically, I was talking about Expo features that do or don’t work on ExpoKit, and the circumstances in which they do/don’t work,
for example; setting app icon in app.json works when using ExpoKit but only if you set it before detaching, after detaching all changes made to icons in app.json are ignored.
Another thing - you have to manually change app version before building/releasing, because once you’re detached, the APK/IPA version is not going to increase automatically.

I am aware that for some (most) of cases like this, there is a perfectly good reason why something doesn’t work, or might even be impossible to implement, but it would still be awesome to be able to see what Expo features do and don’t work, and under which circumstances, when using ExpoKit - after all, I don’t think anyone WANTS to detach, but for some things you still have to, and it would be nice to know that you can save some time if you just set the icon before detaching, or upgrade Expo version before detaching, or at least expect something to be different then it was when using plain Expo.

Updating ExpoKit on Android from SDK 25 to SDK 26 is, to my understanding, currently impossible without creating a new project on SDK 26, detaching from that, and copying all your files to the new project, while also having to link external libraries (react-native link, or manually edit files) - which is extremely time-consuming.
This seems to have been an issue before SDK 26 as well (Failed upgrading expokit sdk 25 on android - #9)

Thanks again!