Issues with Linking from WebBrowser in Standalone app

I’m having the same issue too :frowning:

Hey there, I’m trying to repro this on the latest version and it’s working for me.

My app.json contains
"scheme": "testsdk19",

In my home screen I wrote some code like this:

  state = {
    linkingInitialURL: null,

  async componentDidMount() {
    const linkingInitialURL = await Linking.getInitialURL();
    this.setState({ linkingInitialURL });

  render() {
    const stuff = `Constants.linkingUri: ${Constants.linkingUri}, Linking.initialUrl: ${this.state.linkingInitialURL}`;
   return (<Text>{stuff}</Text>);

When I run this through the shell builder, I get the correct result:


Can you think of something different in your apps compared to mine? I would really like to fix this bug if I can track it down.

Pinged you over slack to help debug this.

Has anyone solved this issue? I have tried multiple times to get the link back to the app without success, in android it works perfectly.

Even when forcing the app url i get an exception telling me of a duplicate app id.

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I’m with this same issue! Have anyone figured out?

sdkVersion: 19.0.0

Linking uri turns into

I registered this error on github


It also does not work on iOS standalone for me. We are using SDK 19.0.0 and it does work on the expo app, both on local and published apps, but as soon as we go standalone on iOS we get the same screen screenshotted above. Works on Android standalone though. Not detached

Have you tried upgrading to sdk version 20?

It will be my next try this weak, let’s see if we can work around on this.

I am using sdk v20 and the issue is still in be there! :frowning:

I have opened an issue on github:

Let’s move this conversation over there, so we may grab more attention.

We got the same problem with SDK version 20 on a packaged iOS app. When
the link is clicked on, we get a 404 page on Expo’s website. Still works
though when link is generated in the Expo app…

No news about it?
I have to deliver the app til friday. I think I’m gonna detatch

We’re probably not going to be able to fix this issue this week, but will probably be able to get to it soon after that.

That is great news! Thanks

That’s great news, thanks! My app cannot be published because this issue. Hope that it will be fixed asap.

I’m having this issue as well in a standalone iOS app:

appOwnership: standalone

I’ve created some resources that may help you, @ben

expo app:
IPA with simulator as target:

Running that simulator target:

Thanks everyone for waiting, I have a tentative fix which I’m hoping to deploy soon. Will post again here when that’s up.

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This fix should be available from exp build:ios now.

Is this fix available on version 20.0.3?

Just checking… So I need to upgrade to SDK 20 and publish an update for my app to fix this?