Expo SDK 33 - A gap only appears at the bottom of bottom tab navigator in the standalone app

Hi Community !

I need your help !
I upgraded my app to Expo SDK v33 and now I have an issue with react-navigation (or something else). I right now have a gap / white space (height : 40px) at the bottom of bottom tab navigator. This behavior only exists on my standalone app when I launch a new build for iOS or Android. (see below)

Left : behavior expected (simulator and phone via Expo app)
Right : behavior on the standalone app (android version)

I don’t understand why the behavior is not the same between the simulator and the standalone application.

I followed the insctructions of this page Expo SDK v33.0.0 is now available | by Eric Samelson | Exposition

Please find below my package.json

"dependencies": {
        "@expo/vector-icons": "^10.0.3",
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        "expo-font": "^5.0.1",
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Thank you !!!

Hey @maintenancerp,

Can you try creating a minimal, reproducible example of this (essentially a new project with just react-navigation installed and a bare-bones tab navigator)? That way we can be sure it’s something to do with the library, rather than some issue in your project’s code.


Thanks @adamjnav !
I’m going to create a new project with juste react-navigation and I’ll get back to you

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Sounds good!


I found a fix for my issue. I removed these lines in app.json file :

        "androidStatusBar": {
            "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
            "barStyle": "dark-content"

The status bar is responsible for bottom white space. React-navigation works fine.

1 Like

Four your information, this issue is knows, see below :

Glad you got it sorted. Thanks for the information!

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