expo start is returning "EACCES: permission denied, mkdir 'xxx/xxx/.expo" error

Hi everyone,
After trying to unsuccessfully use react-native-cameraroll, I start experiencing this error, even after dropping the package: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir 'xxx/xxx/.expo. I did all I could but still getting the error. I cloned the project from a remote repo in a state prior to react-native-cameraroll installation, but it didn’t help. To check I even created a new fresh project with only the starting files, and expo start is still returning the same error. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance

What version of expo-cli do you have installed? Try running expo diagnostics

I suspect there was a problem installing it globally in the first place as it seems this is a problem with the permissions of your /usr/local/lib/node_modules folder.

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