How do I manually add Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration?

Hey there!

  • The PR I referenced in my previous comment several months ago has landed in the interim, so react-native link works with any library that supports CocoaPods now.
  • If your third party lib doesn’t support cocoapods, you either need to add the relative header search path manually as described here, or alternatively you can ask the maintainers of that library to add cocoapods support.

With regards to react-native-share-extension that @sudeep asked about, it looks like the author hasn’t updated that library in a long time. Newer react native requires a triangle-style import such as <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>. So your best bet is to help the author fix that library.

Closing this very old thread since the original question doesn’t apply any more. Please open a new thread if you encounter new issues.