How to handle origin and selected in the new notifications api?

SDK 39
“expo-notifications”: “~0.7.2”,

How to handle origin and selected in the new notifications api?
In LegacyNotifications I could handle if the user had pressed the notification with selected and received if it was in the foreground, but with the new api I don’t see in the documentation how to do it

I already know how it works, addNotificationReceivedListener for which you receive with the app open and addNotificationResponseReceivedListener for which you have to interact. My problem was that addNotificationResponseReceivedListener works in the Expo client if the app is open but in the background, but if I kill the app and get a notification, I select it, the application is loaded in the expo client, it enters and it does not go through that method. … And this has me a bit countered. I guess it will work when the app is compiled.

Well, it doesn’t work, if the app is killed and a notification arrives, what method can I handle that notification?

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