Install ipa outsite Apple Store

Hi, i’ve created a private app, how can install it outsite Apple Store into specific devices?

On older posts i’ve see params like “expert-auth” or “local-auth” but expo return unknow option… how can create an ad-hoc ipa file?
Thanks in advance

how did you build that ipa file?
do you have a developer account?
I have been trying to build my apps for ios but I dont have a developer account. if you know a way please help me out.

thanks in advance

Hi, the Apple developer account il required

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After contact Apple the only way to do it is create an Apple Business Manager account (one Account for every customers… one app for five different customers > five account)… not a simple solutions

Apple definitely doesn’t make things easy. We just ran into an issue at my company with our in-house developed mobile-app where the denied it from the app store.
The reason was from a change in their terms of service, but basically it is an application just for employees, requiring our company provided email account, and we manage user accounts and auth in our own backend and not via Apple Signin feature.

We were faced with having to go the Business Manager account route but it is an ordeal just to get one of those.

As a work around, we are adding a completely public side of the app, with company profile and job listings, etc. With an an option for employee signin…hopefully that appeases Apple and they allow it back in the store :crossed_fingers:

Hi, thanks for reply, i’ve activate Apple Business Manager and request app review… if i can’t solve i’ll try your solution… but with xCode i can sign app for adhoc distribution and install it by https link with devices added to provisioning… with expo this is not possible?

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