IOS doesn't work after expo eject

I did expo eject, installed pods in IOS, and when I’m building app through Xcode, it says that build successful, however, when IOS simulator opens I see only white screen and error in Xcode

" libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException", It also says in the official documentation that “Once it’s running, the iOS app should automatically request your JS bundle from the project you’re serving from Expo CLI.”, but nothing is happening!

How to fix this problem?

Hey @luckygirlllll,

Two things come to mind:

  1. Can you make sure you are serving your JS bundle via expo-cli before you build in Xcode?
  2. Is this a fresh Expo project that has been ejected or does it have added complexity/third party libraries linked?


@adamjnav My project is already working, I think that main problem was that I didn’t do expo start before doing pod install.

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