MapView Alternative without GoogleMap API ?


As everyone knows (or should know ^^), Google is going to charge for request in GoogleMap on June 11th. MapView, which is great, will therefore be impacted (please tell me I’m wrong !).

What should we do ? Is there any good alternative in react native ? OpenStreetView or Leaflet for instance ?

Big thanks,


@alexjamin I’ve been working on a Leaflet component that uses the React Native WebView to display a map. I published it on npm as react-native-webview-leaflet. The repo is at


thanks for your answer ! Can you give the Leaflet pricing also ? Is it 100% free or is there any request limit ? I just want to show a map and a pointer …

At a basic level, Leaflet provides the controls, while other services provide the map tiles. You can use a free source for the tiles such or you can pay for one. is a free map tile source that you can use with Leaflet, and it’s the default source in the map component that I built.

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