Push notification - Response body not readable

Hi, we managed to integrate our app with the call to the Expo endpoint https://exp.host/--/api/v2/push/send in order to send push notifications both to IOS and Android devices.
We are facing some problems in parsing the response body: in fact, during last days we had to test some push notifications to different Android devices. Each of these devices has different related tokens (Exponent push token).
The same push notifications is delivered to all these tokens; for some of them we receive the usual response body from Expo service:


Instead, for other Exponent push token, we receive an unparseable response like the following:

t���C��X%5�{w�F�;�wdʄ�c�/cۍ�0T|�����z���������e�0e�%�_T��p���[L�h�9�JV'����� ��,WY��*g�L�)Ÿ�]RQ�%���G�ca�� ����gò���İ�p.

Of course, we cannot handle this type of response so we completely lose information about the result of the push sending.
Does anyone have idea what should be the cause and how to fix the problem?

Thanks in advance

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