Push Notifications Bare Workflow IOS, InvalidCredentials: Could not find APNs credentials

I followed this guide to generate push notification key for my apple account. I can see a key successfully generated in my apple developer account profile, but when i tried to send a PN to my device from expo notifications tool, it says InvalidCredentials: Could not find APNs credentials Though the key ID is undefined, i can see a id being generated in my apple developer account. Please refer to screenshots below

Screen Shot 2564-02-15 at 11.53.52

Is there anything else i am missing here? I rebuild the app and I can see updateDeviceToken being called in RN Debugger. After all this the expo PN tool still says
InvalidCredentials: Could not find APNs credentials for com.xxx.xxxx(@xxx/xxx). You may need to generate or upload new push credentials.

If someone does same mistake like I did, here is the answer
[SOLVED] : After creating new push key I forgot to add it back to app, you need to open iOS expo credential manager expo credentials:manager -p ios and select add existing PN Key, after doing that you can see the previously created key, select it and it gets added to the app.
Now you can see key being used by your app identifier once again if you open credential manager.

  1. Create a push key first
  2. Add it to the app