TouchableHighlight and Icons infinite loop

I’m having a weird issue here. To start here is a snippet:

<TouchableHighlight disabled={!this.state.onContentDetail} onPress={this.onShare.bind(this)} >
  style={this.state.onContentDetail ? styles.IoniconsStyleActive : styles.IoniconsStyleInactive} >

So everytime i run the app for the first time after restarting Expo, my app loads up fine in the simulator and actual device. However, if i hit reload expo, my app gets stuck in a loading loop. I know TouchableHighlight with Icons expo is the culprit because this works fine in standalone app.
This also works fine if i replace icons with Text, and Icons without TouchableHighlight work fine as well.

Everytime this happens i have to quit expo, restart the packager and uninstall and resinstall expo on my device for the app to load.

Is there something im doing wrong here?
In my package.json i have “@expo/vector-icons”: “^5.0.0”,
In my app.json i’ve added: “packagerOpts”: {
“assetExts”: [“ttf”]

Thanks for the help.

Hi! Have you been able to reproduce this on