Trying to upload to Application Loader for App Store


So I am trying to upload an a new version of my app to the Test Flight on iTunes Connect. I need to build a new version on Expo, but I am not the one who built the app, so I’m not exactly sure how to do that.

The only thing I have right now is the .ipa file. What do I need in order to rebuild the .ipa file from Expo?

I can’t open the .ipa in Expo. What files do I need to open an existing project in Expo? – I can ask the developer for the file if I know which one I need.

Last, is there a way to convert an .ipa file to the correct file needed to open in Expo?

To open the project in Expo, the easiest thing would be if you had the complete source code. Then you could use exp or XDE to start that and open it in the Expo client. Most commonly, this would be in the form of a GIthub or Bitbucket repo that you are given access to.

If you have a current .ipa, you should be able to upload that to TestFlight. That’s all you should need if you set the metadata correctly, I believe.

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