Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app. Make sure you have provided a server key as directed by the Expo FCM documentation

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: ^3.6.0
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): All

I’m using react native unimodules on my project build with npx react-native init mobile --template react-native-template-typescript… I configure the expo-notifications correctly and when I tried to send a push notification with expo-server-sdk I got the error bellow. In the app i got the right token of my device.

id: ‘a65ca6bd-1538-4857-91b9-809ec012f171’,
status: ‘error’,
message: “Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient’s app. Make sure you have provided a server key as directed by the Expo FCM documentation.”,
details: { error: ‘InvalidCredentials’, fault: ‘developer’ }

I follow the steps using this tutorial Using FCM for Push Notifications - Expo Documentation and the steps in firebase console and I still got the error. What do I missing?

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