Upcoming changes to the Expo push notification service (Summer 2018)

If you use the Expo push notification service, there are some upcoming changes for improved reliability. The major updates are:

  • Gracefully rate-limiting notifications (now; launched)
  • Asynchronously providing push receipts (mid-July; launched July 23)
  • Requiring FCM for new Android apps (mid-July)
  • Requiring the modern batch notification API (October 1)
  • Recommending against using unregistered push tokens (ongoing)

Hi, regarding sdk 29 and push notifications, I’m a little confused on what type of notification I need to implement in order to receive notification on Android and iOS devices.

The article mentions:

Requiring FCM for new Android apps

but the documentation says:

Note that FCM is not currently available for Expo iOS apps.

My final app will need to be published on both store (Apple and Google), do I need to implement to different kind of notifications?

The app currently uses sdk 28 and works fine on iOS but have some issue on Android 8> devices, where it only receives notification if the app is open and running in foreground.

In this context, “requiring FCM” refers to enabling Expo to use FCM instead of the GCM service, which Google has deprecated, for your Android push notifications. The Expo push notification interface doesn’t change, just the service that is used to deliver notifications on Android. For iOS, we use Apple’s Push Notification service (APNs) directly and there are no changes necessary for iOS apps.

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