Updated to Expo SDK v32.0.0 and get "There was a problem sending log messages to your development environment" for every console call made

Update - I was able to find a solution for this issue. It is a bug that appears for me when redux-logger is used in the application. Specifically, if I intercept actions that include a request/response payload, I was able to squash or recreate the error. I was able to squash the error by removing the request property from action.payload in the redux-logger (using lodash/omit):

const logger = createLogger({
    actionTransformer: (action = {}) => {
        if (action && action.payload) {
            action.payload = omit(action.payload, ['request']);
        return action;

Not sure what about the request object is the issue here, but hopefully it will help others (and perhaps the expo team?) resolve this!
