Volume Control Through Expo

Hey everyone,

I have a seemingly basic problem, but I can’t find a solution anywhere. I would like to dynamically change the volume of my device. If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great!


Maybe this?

This will only work for detached apps but it’s an option if that’s the case.

The expo API’s do provide ‘ducking’ support for audio experiences; https://github.com/expo/expo-docs/blob/master/versions/v28.0.0/sdk/audio.md#expoaudiosetaudiomodeasyncmode

Essentially, passing mode: { shouldDuckAndroid : true, interruptionModeIOS: INTERRUPTION_MODE_IOS_DUCK_OTHERS} should duck the audio of other apps. As for controlling specific volume levels, I’ve not seen anything in the current API’s that provides it.

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